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Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Office Phone

(877) LRN2DIG


(631) 347-3477

Professional Evaluation: Front End Loader

Front End Loader Evaluation

This curriculum is designed for professional heavy equipment machine operators who display a minimum of 5 years of experience operating the machine of choice.

Each machine evaluation lasts for 1 day and consists of a 4-hour safety course (XS1) that is an abbreviated compilation of safety courses SS1, SS2, SS3 and SS4. The next 3 hours of the day is dedicated to the evaluation of the operator’s skillset as a safe and proficient operator of the machine. Matriculation to any one of these courses is no guarantee of graduation.

Included in the 4-hour safety course is time allotted for a written test. A minimum score of 80% is required to move on to the practical portion of the evaluation. Then, the operator will operate one of our machines and be graded on their proficiency in the skills identified for the course selected. A minimum score of 80% from the practical portion of the course is required to graduate.

  • XS1 Safety
  • XF1 Front End Loader Evaluation

Analysis of the operator’s capabilities includes:

  • the proficient use of all controls on command
  • maneuvering the machine fluidly when traveling
  • raising and lowering the bucket
  • back-blading for rough grade
  • pick up a load
  • dump a load
  • load a machine onto a trailer
  • correctly secure the machine to the trailer
  • proper mounting and dismounting of equipment
  • proper start-up and shut-down of machine
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CoursesFront End LoaderFront End Loader Evaluation