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Introduction to Excavator

Introduction to Excavator

Need to dig a 16 foot hole or do some deep trenching? There no better machine than an excavator. These machines are used routinely in the heavy construction business for drainage and conduit projects. The ability to rotate 360⁰ makes this the choice machine to use on cramped New York City job sites.

Students will be introduced to various sized excavators, their capabilities and maintenance requirements (fuel, oils, filters, etc.) including the greasing of the pivot points of the machines. Students will maneuver the machines around the yard and use the front bucket. This portion of the course will focus on the proficiency needed in the use of the machines through repetitive motions and the movement of various materials.

The Introduction to Excavator module has a 3 day (21 hour) duration made up of the following classes:

  • SS1 Worksite Safety Awareness 3 hours Comprehensive
  • ES1 Excavator Safety Awareness 1 hour Comprehensive
  • EX1 Excavator Maintenance & Basic Controls 3 hours Practical
  • EX2 Excavator Stick, Boom & Bucket Control 7 hours Practical
  • EX3 Excavator Solo Operation 7 hours Practical
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CoursesExcavatorExcavator Module 1